Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Your book, in print: Imagine that!

At this very moment there are several wannabe authors drinking tea, nibbling biscuits and dreaming about the day they receive the proof copy of their first published book. Those dreams are very real ones. Because these (extra)ordinary people will, in 2016 do just that!

At Stour Valley Publishing we have established ourselves to help a small number of wannabe writers, poets, photographers and inspirers see their books get into print. To help them take their first steps on the path towards being a published author.

We are taking on a limited number of projects each year, helping each of these undiscovered writers make their books become a reality, and with the bare minimum of upfront costs.

If you would like to get your first book into print, but don't have the capital to fund your first print run, please get in touch. We can help you, but remember, we only work with a small number of projects at a time, and we like to get things just right, so opportunities are limited.

Make the call. Send the email and begin the process that could make the next book you receive on your doormat be one with your name on the cover!

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it"
W H Murray.

We look forward to working with you.

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